
Iraq Situation Report

February 8, 2008 - Kimberly Kagan

The Institute for the Study of War has created this situation report to document the developments in Iraq from January 2007 to December 2007.

Developments Fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq

January 29, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Over the last year, Coalition and Iraqi Forces made significant progress fighting al Qaeda in Iraq. This Backgrounder provides a brief summary of operations against al Qaeda in 2007.

Don't Short-Circuit the Surge (Wall Street Journal)

January 26, 2008 - Kimberly Kagan

The Iraq debate in 2007 focused on whether the new strategy and troop increase could stem violence in Iraq. It did.

Offensive Operations in Multi-National Division – Center June 2007 - January 2008

January 18, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Coalition offensive operations in the southern and eastern belts of Baghdad from 6/2007 - 1/2008 have worked to support ongoing security operations within the city.

December Operations in Muqdadiyah

January 8, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

The operations against Al-Qaeda in Iraq near Muqdadiyah in Diyala Province in December provided U.S. forces with the intelligence they needed to begin the new Iron Harvest offensive in January 2008.

Operation Raider Harvest

January 7, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This backgrounder details the conduct of Raider Harvest and its potential impact on security in northern Diyala province.

The Fight for Diwaniyah

January 6, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Report on the intra-Shia violence between the Sadrist Trend and ISCI in Diwaniyah from April to December of 2007

Maps of Ethno-Sectarian Violence in Baghdad - December 2006 to December 2007

January 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Maps of the Changing Levels of Ethno-Sectarian Violence in Baghdad

Disposition of Coalition Brigades in Iraq - January 2008

January 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Map of the Disposition of Coalition Brigades in Iraq

Presence of al-Qaeda in Iraq - December 2007

January 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Map of Al-Qaeda in Iraq's Presence in December of 2007
