
Russia Expands Its Air Defense Network in Syria

November 30, 2018 - Jennifer Cafarella

Russia has finished an advanced anti-access / area denial (A2AD) network that constrains U.S. freedom of maneuver in Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The U.S. and Israel both must be prepared to suppress a larger number of air defense systems and use more expensive stealth aircraft in the theater.

Russia in Review: Targeting Ukraine to Test the West

November 30, 2018 - Catherine Harris

Russia's brazen act of war on Ukraine in the Sea of Azov is part of a broader deliberate campaign by Russia to test the resolve of the U.S. and NATO.

Congressional Testimony: Countering Iranian Proxies in Iraq

September 26, 2018 - ISW Press

ISW President Kimberly Kagan testified before a U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade hearing on the topic of countering Iran's proxies in Iraq. Read her submitted testimony.

The U.S. Response to Basra and Iraq's Crisis

September 13, 2018 - Kimberly Kagan

In an opinion essay for The Wall Street Journal, ISW President Kimberly Kagan and Critical Threats Project at AEI Director Frederick W. Kagan make the case that the U.S. is in a position to help address a humanitarian disaster in southern Iraq, make a positive difference in Iraq's political future, and advance American interests -- at low cost.

ISW Tribute to Senator John McCain

August 28, 2018 - ISW Press

The Institute for the Study of War team remembers Senator John McCain fondly, will mourn his loss, and will continue to draw upon his legacy in the future.

Russia in Review

August 27, 2018 - ISW Press

Russia in Review is a weekly intelligence summary (INTSUM) produced by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). This ISW INTSUM series sheds light on key trends and developments related to the Russian government's objectives and its efforts to secure them.

Afghan Government on Shaky Ground Ahead of Elections

July 31, 2018 - Scott DesMarais

The Trump Administration is attempting to deny jihadists a safe haven in Afghanistan while pursuing a negotiated end to the war there. There is also a brewing political storm surrounding the U.S. partner government in Kabul. Is the U.S. plan for Afghanistan at risk?

Navigating the U.S.-Turkey Relationship Beyond the Quagmire

July 25, 2018 -

The U.S. needs Turkey as an active partner despite its slide into authoritarianism under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The U.S. should adopt an interest-based approach towards Turkey that shapes its behavior in line with shared strategic objectives such as reversing the gains of Iran and Russia in the Middle East.

Don't Get Out of Syria

July 12, 2018 - Jennifer Cafarella

The pro-Bashar al Assad camp may be on the march in southern Syria, but the war there is far from over. In an essay for, Jennifer Cafarella makes the case for why the U.S. needs to reassert itself and regain leverage.

Putin Poised for Easy Victory Ahead of Summit with President Trump

July 6, 2018 -

Russian President Vladimir Putin is continuing to use the doctrine of “reflexive control” to shape the outcome of the summit with President Trump -- a summit that will boost Putin’s legitimacy at the expense of the West.
