Jaysh al-Mahdi
Jaysh al-Mahdi, or JAM, is the militia of the Sadrist Trend.
Jaysh al-Mahdi, or JAM, is the militia of the Sadrist Trend.
This Google Earth file maps Multi-National Force-Iraq press releases on activity by and against Iranian-backed Special Groups.
A commentary on the recent operations against Jaysh al-Mahdi militias in Basra and their effects in Baghdad.
In a new AEI report, ISW President Kimberly Kagan, Frederick W. Kagan, and Danielle Pletka present empirical evidence of Iranian activities in its immediate environs.
According to a new story from The Washington Post, the commander of the notorious Wolf Brigade in Baghdad was fired in October 2007.
This document contains graphs and charts released by MNF-I and MNC-I regarding violence in Iraq.
Over the last year, Saydiyah has become one of the principal battlegrounds for the territorial war between Shi'a militias and al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) in Baghdad.
The Rasheed security district is the largest in Baghdad; bisected by Highway Eight/Hilla Road, it is split into East and West Rasheed.